Melanie Acevedo and Annie Caruso, Love

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LOVE by photographer / director MELANIE ACEVEDO

“I’ve been thinking a lot about how important love is, and how much our world needs it right now. For this Valentines Day, I wanted to bring focus to different types of love… the love between a father and his daughter to the love between partners. One thing that makes love so special is, it’s our universal language. Hopefully this project reminds us all to share love today and everyday. Happy Valentines Day!” – Melanie Acevedo

  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
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