Ciril Jazbec, Dream to Cure Water

  • Director
  • Photographer

Peru is home to 70% of the world’s tropical glaciers, but 40% of its surface area has disappeared since the 1970s. According to Peru’s National Institute of Natural Resources, all of the country’s 200 glaciers are under threat. It is feared that by 2025, they will be completely gone.

In this documentary, Ciril tells the story of a mountain community at the frontier of climate change, adapting to pollution caused by glacier melt through ingenuity and traditional, indigenous knowledge.

Amongst its many awards, Dream to Cure Water won “Short Form – Climate Categories” at the Jackson Wild Media Awards, the highest bar of achievement in natural history filmmaking. Most recently the film was a finalist at the 2024 Bloomberg Green Docs Film Festival.

The documentary was made possible by a National Geographic Society.

  • Dream to Cure Water
  • Dream to Cure Water
  • Dream to Cure Water
    Dream to Cure Water
    Dream to Cure Water
  • Dream to Cure Water
    Dream to Cure Water
  • Dream to Cure Water
    Dream to Cure Water
  • Dream to Cure Water
    Dream to Cure Water
  • Dream to Cure Water
    Dream to Cure Water
  • Dream to Cure Water
    Dream to Cure Water
  • Dream to Cure Water
    Dream to Cure Water
  • Dream to Cure Water
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