Mei Tao, The Art of Care

  • Photographer

The Art of Care exhibition brings together photographer Mei Tao and writer, organizer, and artist Cameron Russell to explore the intersection of caregiving and creativity. Through photography, crafts, and participatory elements, this exhibition examines the overlooked value of care work.

From quilts and toys to storytelling and music, meals and home remedies, the art created by caregivers is often unseen beyond immediate circles. These works challenge capitalist notions of art by reframing caregiving as a creative practice whose practitioners can be extremely skilled. The Art of Care establishes art as care and care work as art in a time when caregivers’ wisdom is seen as expendable rather than invaluable.

The exhibition features luminous photographic portraits providing glimpses into caregivers’ artistic practices. From early childhood educator Mary Louise Bedard’s puppet show preparations to the musical improvisation between mother-educator RoseLove Joseph and daughter Ilani Ma’at Neter, these pieces demonstrate how care work’s life-giving nature is inseparable from its artistry.

The show will open on Thursday, January 9 at Gallery 263 and run until February 9, 2025.

  • The Art of Care
  • The Art of Care
    The Art of Care
  • The Art of Care
  • The Art of Care
  • The Art of Care
    The Art of Care
  • The Art of Care
  • The Art of Care
    The Art of Care
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