PEDEN + MUNK, Molly Baz for Special K

  • Director
  • Photographer

PEDEN+MUNK capture the very pregnant Molly Baz for Special K!

This campaign is all about celebrating pregnancy, and giving it more representation. With a cereal box as the billboard, Molly and Kellogg’s look to honor pregnant women and their very special, very real, pregnant bodies, everywhere.

“We got a call from Molly asking us to shoot her for the Special K box celebrating her beautiful pregnancy. We would have moved mountains to make it work. Crunched on time since she is 39+ weeks pregnant, we flew to LA the next day,” explains Jen Munkvold and Taylor Peden.

We are thrilled to also share Molly Baz is the first ever pregnant woman to grace the cover of a cereal box!

  • Molly Baz for Special K
    Molly Baz for Special K
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