Films and concepts by Simon Emmett: Bring Back Beauty - Marie Claire UK and The British Beauty Council are delighted to present a 5 part short film series highlighting the impact the pandemic has had on hair and beauty salon businesses across the UK. The series forms part of the British Beauty Councils #OhHelloBeauty campaign. The films explore the roles of salons beyond just aesthetics, instead focusing on the integral role they play in the community as a safe inclusive space and how they provide emotional support and instill personal confidence. The film talks to a number of business owners whose salons have comeback from the brink of collapse over the period of the pandemic, and to clients who lost a crucial coping mechanism during lockdown. Among others, Emmett speaks to 'the Friday ladies', who are weekly visitors to The Hair Surgery in Wollaston, and to Sophia Hilton, owner of Not Another Salon, which she opened for "people who don't feel they fit in with the rest of the world".