Tara Darby, World of Interiors

  • Photographer


Tara has shot this very special story about Delaine Le Bas and her home for World of Interiors. Tara has been photographing Delaine in her house for nearly 20 years and it’s been incredible to see it morph and change over that time. It’s a living artwork in itself.

“Delaine Le Bas bought her 1930s terraced redbrick in Worthing with her late husband, the painter Damian Le Bas, in 2000. It wears an impassive face to the street, masking the installation that lives and breathes and shifts beyond the front door. ‘There’s a constant flow of things coming in and out of this house,’ says Le Bas. ‘Work returning, stuff going off somewhere else, work that’s in progress, different bits of drawing, things that get stuck on the wall there, and other things get stuck on top of them, garments and costumes hanging up, traces of people, photographs.’ The house’s life, like the sea that sighs and rattles nearby, is tidal.“


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    World of Interiors
  • World of Interiors
    World of Interiors
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