« Unfolding like a nightmarish patchwork, VORTEX follows the story of Driss, who ran away from home at a young age.Older and burdened by guilt, Driss returns to the place where he left his mother with his violent father.The logic of dreams reigns in this elegantly ominous tale of guilt, fear and powerlessness » by the Copenhagen Short Film Festival (CSFF) 2020 Edition
Written and directed by: VENKAY
Produced by: BIZIBI, CANAL +
DOP: Sylvestre Dedise
Editing: Aurélien Merlhès, Giulia Rodino
Grading: Evy Roselet
Sound mix: Laureen Mazeau
Music: Kodi Najm
Casting by: Pauline Duterte, Apolline Delvaux
With: Pablo Cobo, Ilian Bergala, Isy Chautemps, Tess Boutman, Abdé Maziane,
Olivier Hermon, Céline Milliat-Gaumgartner, Ben Badra Afif